
Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses Case Study


Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses have always been and still considered as family owned business. The company has long history that is dating back to the 1800's. The present study is case study based on Ferguson Plarre. The study includes planning process adopted by the manager. Further it includes company's approach towards setting goals.

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Planning process adopted by the managers within firm

Every manager is possess greater awareness that planning and decision making are regarded as the central part of the job. The manager are involved in figuring out the issue and determining the solution of the same (Dincer, Tatoglu and Glaister, 2006). Further best solution is gained so that problem can be resolved and later goals can be attained in an effective manner. The concept of planning is considered as choosing of the goal and making development of the method or strategy that assist in achieving the target.

There is presence of greater benefits which the firm gains when in makes planning. This presents that with planning the firm in offered with direction and task strategies are being created that helps in attainment of the targets. Also intensified efforts can be put in by the means of planning (Wallace, 2013). Plans are considered as the guidelines for carrying out the actions not abstract theories. Further it is important that planners are required to possess familiarity in relations with daily details of the business if they have product plans which can work. The term planning is considered as sword that is double edged. If it is being performed in right manner that it assist in bringing out tremendous enhancement within the individual as well as performance of business. In case the planning is done wrong then this can have opposite influence and can also affect the performance of the person as well as performance. A process is compiled with in order to set plans. This is comprised with setting targets, development of the commitment to the goals, development of suitable action plans, tracking the progress regarding attainment of targets and the last is maintenance of the flexibility within planning (Davila and, 2016). It is important for every business to follow particular structure related with planning so that it is able to attain the targets in an appropriate manner.

As the planning includes selection of the goal and development of the strategy for the sake of attainment of the target (Rowland, Davison and Graumlich, 2011). The initial step in planning is towards setting of the goals . In order to direct the behavior and enhance the efforts the goals are required to be specific as well as challenging. Ferguson Plarre makes efforts towards development of Smart targets which helps in providing the direction so as to attain the aim within specified period of time.

The major benefit associated with the planning includes encouraging the managers as well as employees towards directing their persistent efforts regarding the activities which assist in attainment of the targets . Further another usefulness of the planning is that it act as an aid in promoting the development of task strategies (Bekris, Tsianos and Kavraki, 2007). Like in case of Ferguson Plarre planning is done in a manner that assist in attainment of the sustainability targets with greater effectiveness. There is greater significance for the organization to devise strategies in a manner that it leads to achievement of the desired goals by the firm. In the present era role of planning is increasing significantly towards development of vision, mission and objectives so that direction can be offered in carrying out the business task in an appropriate manner. The planning process also possess certain pitfalls that can harm the organization to a greater extent (Shanahan, 2013). Ferguson Plarre develop quarterly and annual plans so that it can carry out performance and can track the success of the plan in an effective manner. There is greater significance in development of the plans in a manners that in makes best use of resources and act as an aid in ensuring survival within the market to a significant level. Planning has several benefits in terms that it leads to achievement of the desired targets.

Managers adopts the planning process that not only affects the performance of the business but also assist them in maintaining advantage over the rivalries. In the present era survival of the firm plays vital role. As such by means of attaining such it is able to live for longer span of time (McLean, 2014). By means of putting greater efforts the company can achieve the Smart goals. Moreover planning also includes determination of the innovation that can be bought in by the firm in order to attract the market in an effective manner. There is huge significance of the business to bring innovative plans that can assist the firm in surviving in the market. Ferguson Plarre recognizes the culture and develops plans accordingly for the sake of attaining the customer requirements. There is presence of greater disadvantages that are are required to be experienced by the firm in case its planning fails. Thus plans needs to be devised taking into account both advantages as well as disadvantages.

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Brief summary of Ferguson Plarre's organizational history

Ferguson Plarre's Bakehouses has been and still a family owned and regulated firm. The organization has long history since 1800's. Both the Ferguson and Plarre possess early European roots and are being established within Australia over 110 years ago. The history of Ferguson Plarre has began in the year 1901 within Northern as well as western suburbs as well as both the families made establishment of themselves as household name in Melbourne. The trading has been continued by both the families by means of world wars as well as the Great depression in-spite the tough situations (Our history, 2017). After the refining of the craft and important contribution to the cooking of pastry trade both the families have merged their businesses towards becoming Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses in the year 1980. The 4th generation Plarre family attained the interest of Ferguson family in the year 2012. They owns and manage the day to day operations by means of retail shop design, operations as well as franchise of the bakery. The family has continued towards embracing their forefather's commitment towards quality products, service as well as innovation involving the utilization of only free range chicken, hormone free beef, real custard, fresh cream as well as whole lot of love (Chadwick, 2013). At present Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses are just known for their birthday, wedding cakes, desserts , meat pies. The firm have greater experience in these products since 200 years.

Ferguson Plarre's approach towards setting goals

For the purpose of setting the targets the firm is making adoption of the approach that is sustainability. Ferguson Plarre's possess the commitment towards sustainability has been worthwhile exercise of the firm. The company has recovered over 100% of the costs that is engaged in setting up of the energy efficient bakery within the initial year. Further the firm has made efforts towards minimizing the negative impact over the environment and to reflect the best practice associated with sustainability (Mennerat, Nilsen, Ebert and Skorping, 2010). The firm has commitment regarding saving energy, minimizing consumption of the water, reducing waste and offering the personnel with better place to work. In addition to this it also has customer centered approach in setting goals in terms that it aims at offering quality products to the customers. It also take in to account hygiene factor that has greater impact in attracting the target market to a significant level. Thus the firm's aims are determined considering the various aspects.

Manner in which Ferguson Plarre's track progress towards attainment of goal

The company makes use of various methods that assist it in measurement or tracking of the progress towards achievement of the target in an effective manner. A critical measures of the performance will be the progress in creation of the value by the means of innovation. Moreover innovation inputs will be monitored as well as allocated and controlled in careful manner. As it is important to make use of scarce resources in an appropriate manner. In the process of the business, innovation intensity will be determined (Kahraman, Ertay and Büyüközkan, 2006). The extent to which the innovation of the firm are being accepted by the customers determines the success of the company. In order to survive in the market and gain edge over competitors Ferguson Plarre has laid emphasis on developing something new that can attract greater number of customers. It is being assessed that with such the organization is able to differentiate itself from other rivalries.

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It can be concluded from the present study that Ferguson Plarre is one of the renowned brand that possess longer history which is 1800 years back. the firm lay emphasis on planning and bringing innovation so as to attract larger number of customers.


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  • Chadwick, G., 2013. A systems view of planning: towards a theory of the urban and regional planning process. Elsevier.
  • Davila, C.A. and, 2016. Online decorating system for edible products. U.S. Patent 9,282,750.
  • Dincer, O., Tatoglu, E. and Glaister, K.W., 2006. The strategicRowland, E. L., Davison, J. E. and Graumlich, L. J., 2011 planning process: evidence from Turkish firms. Management Research News. 29(4). pp.206-219.
  • Kahraman, C., Ertay, T. and Büyüközkan, G., 2006. A fuzzy optimization model for QFD planning process using analytic network approach. European Journal of Operational Research. 171(2). pp.390-411.
  • McLean, T., 2014. Grow Your Factory, Grow Your Profits: Lean for Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises. CRC Press.
  • Mennerat, A., Nilsen, F., Ebert, D. and Skorping, A., 2010. Intensive farming: evolutionary implications for parasites and pathogens. Evolutionary Biology. 37(2-3). pp.59-67.
  • Rowland, E. L., Davison, J. E. and Graumlich, L. J., 2011. Approaches to evaluating climate change impacts on species: a guide to initiating the adaptation planning process. Environmental Management. 47(3). pp.322-337.
  • Shanahan, M.P., 2013. 15. The economics of climate change: the Stern and Garnaut reports and their implications for business. Sustainable Business: Theory and Practice of Business Under Sustainability Principles. pp.268.
  • Wallace, P., 2013. Making a household name sustainable. Waste Management and Environment. 24(1). pp.44.
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